Halloween Hikes

It’s that time of year again!  Time for some family friendly Halloween fun.  Our annual Halloween Hikes out at Pammel Park is a tradition that has been around for many years and continues to grow.  For this year’s event, I have solicited the help of my Winterset High School Conservation Club students.  They will act in the skits (you’ll get to vote for your favorite one), guide you along the trial, paint faces, run the games,  help with candy monster bag decorating, and take photos of you and your favorite kiddos in costume!  There will also be a hayrack ride that will loop up and through the campground for trick or treating and judging the campsite decorating contest.  Hikes go out every 15 minutes from 6-8 PM on October 24th and activities will be going on in and around the Lodge for the duration of the evening.  There will also be snacks, prizes, hot cider and plenty of fun.  Call 462-3536 to reserve you hike time today!  The cost is $5 per person.  Costumes are encouraged 🙂


Who: Madison County Conservation Board

What:  Halloween Hikes

When: Saturday, October 24th from 6-8 PM

Where: the Pammel Park Lodge

Why: A non scary, nature themed Halloween event!
